"For taking time out of your day in wanting to read more about me.
You want Quality?
*** I highly appreciate a sense of humor here***
If you see a cloud on this page then it is working perfectly fine!
This page takes 3 Minutes! (yes I've timed it)
and further down I will tell you where to look for
-my secret word-
90% have found the secret word & enjoyed this page very much
If you are impatient and do not have 3 minutes then you automatically disqualify in meeting me ;P
So, Gentledudes, let's see if you can handle this
To reach me, you must apply via "intake form"
- YOU ARE A GODSEND ..for coming here & saving me time
(over 100 reviews linked on "about me page"
none! providers you have seen prior to me will not work
(SEND ONE of the following Screening Combinations listed )
Why Pre-screening?
To ensure we aren't locked in a room with a pyro-psycho who would set us on fire!! ( yes, this happened to a provider)
screening info is handled with utmost care, all parties will remove all info the day of your scheduled date - you may request visual proof upon arrival
-all contact is auto deleted after 1-3 months-
A. Proof of Employment:
- No face on work badge will require a photo ID
-Paystubs need full time hours, company & your name + ID
-Business Website cr Card: Be listed or have matching email
B. Linkedin :: send DIRECT LINK
your linkedin -established years of activity & 250+ connections
C.P411: Minimum of 5 okays +
Send a p411 request AND fill intake form
D: TER ID: Must have ample activity & reviews
contact me via TER after you have fill my Intake form
E. NOT AN OPTION - " Provider references" , privacy among the industry is preferred. I no longer take provider references, sorry! Due to having issues not hearing back from them , they will be a last resort if you can prove your retirement & you will NEED to ask your reference & be granted PERMISSION to use them before filling out my intake form, they MUST be WELL ESTABLISHED! with ample reviews.
F. "CAN'T send anything": an "F" for fail & a weird way of letting me know you don't have a job or not taking this seriously.. 🤣 you're scared.. become a Patreon Member let me watch you work often on snapchat , might trust you later
either way you MUST prove yourself ! if u wanna ask for mine you can see my reviews or go through a pay wall on the "photos & reviews" page
You can't use your cat photos as a form of provider reference... but I'm sure we all do appreciate them
*please send your Pets to brighten my day!

With Demand Came Supply!
I have platforms where you may view my new postings monthly!
Ask me about paid custom photos and videos made for you!
visit my Photos & Reviews page
I do offer the ones on my ad(s) & my website for FREE~
my dudes, appreciate what you have
They exist, 96% GREAT ones & the rest bad! with fun stories of WHY they were BAD! lets be real , don't write a negative review on a burger joint on why you weren't happy because you expected tacos
Punctuality & Communication- Tardiness is not something that sits well with me. Please plan ahead leaving plenty of travel time to reach Your destination. I would hate for our time to be compromised because you are running late.
Hygeine- Lucky for you I have a shower.. please use it , no provider wants to smell your sweat or your RUDE BOOTY!
Be Polite- Politeness and kindness are music to my ears and will get a gentleman everywhere!
Don't be a DOUCHE - If you have the "Customers are always right" mentality... well, I hate to break it to ya but this isn't a normal sort of business! Welcome to the world of sex work!
Consent/Respect - PLEASE do not play with your provider's nipples as if they are scratch offs!! In today's time CONSENT is WAYYY sexier.
Discretion - This means you do not ask Questions that are incriminating, in email, texts, phone... if you do , I will deny you.
Donation - MY RATES are NOT to be discussed or negotiated upon meeting. Please leave it in the open before we begin (in envelope if in public)
Referral - if you need a reference, It is proper Etiquette to reach out to me first so that I am aware I have your permission to disclose your information..
I CAN NOT refer those I have not seen in more than 1-2 months because your info would be long gone and forgotten.
It is also rude to keep using providers you hadn't seen for years as references without an occasional revisit, referral fee or even the bare minimum of updated positive review boost ( speaking on other's behalf's)
Cancellation Policy
No call-No show / Last Minute Cancellations
Value being on good terms with your providers
Before you fill any intake form- (for any provider)
If at all you are feeling red flags, always trust your gut, cancel with as much notice as possible.. We do not wish for anyone to enter a new or unfamiliar situation with anxiety. Please fill forms with confidence
Last minute /cancellations - $50
under 6 hours of notifying your provider of cancellation..
It will be hard for your provider to find someone last minute to fill in your missed time , plus she has had to pay to reserve a space for you.
No call/No show - $ 250
will cost you to be black listed nationally unless paid
This means I am completely unaware that you have made other plans or for what ever reason while having ample time in the day to NOT warn the provider of your absence.
$deposit up front for the cost of previous missed appointment - before I consider letting you book with me again
Failure to respect my time becomes
Termination of our contact
Return client or not! DO NOT come looking for your providers WITHOUT permission!! (we discuss this issue in the provider community )
NO ONE WILL ANSWER! even if we hear a knock
I only open my door for something expected
Protect your Provider's name and key words:
NEVER assume it's safe to mention provider's : name, service, massage, or that you are a client/customer to anyone
"I'm here for a project/ friend" is a great default phrase
"massage" Has a very negative stigma, don't try to trick your self into thinking it doesn't.
are sometimes not even aware business is even conducted and by saying the wrong things, you can basically give us away, people are smart and will look us up with things you say
WOWEE!! you've read things this far?! thanks!

Other Frequently Asked Questions
Why the secret word?
I ONLY wish to work with those who will listen.. and are patient. If you fail me on this simple mission, then my website did it's purpose~
To read more about this reason you can visit my blogs (its not a trick the "secret word' isn't in the blogs ! its on this page ... so don't waste time looking through blogs)
Who is your Assistant?
A trusted friend for life , of over 20 years, she's close at heart yet far way in another state . She's been in my inbox for over 8 years. Yes, you can trust her . She's only there to help push things along in email (free of charge). I've already seen your intake form by the time she reaches out to you. I'm the one to executes and makes the final call in whom I meet. Please also keep her safe for me and follow instructions because there is a science to how I operate. Tip her only if you want to
Is there "EXTRA" service?
*facepalm* "no", absolutely not. This is not a secret phrase hinting that I offer anything more.. Honestly If I offered more I'll get a little bit attached to where I WILL show up at your house unannounced asking for more so.... lets keep it simple and not provoke cute crazy me! <3
Well, What can we do ?
Upon arrival, my rules will be clear upfront & people still enjoy it
so If you aren't Intimidated by me yet, I hope you're ready for an unforgettable experience !
DISCLAIMER : UPON BOOKING WITH ME YOU ARE AGREEING NOT TO BREAK RULES AND/OR ACT LIKE A DOUCHE .... IF YOU DO, you are ALSO agreeing to getting punched in the dick for pushing my boundaries
I know some of you like getting roughed up, but you're not supposed to LOL
So Just Keep An Open Mind
Follow The Rules :)
Completely disrespecting / Attacking your provider Consent is still needed for all sessions with any provider so, -ask before you act- per area of her body!!
know the secret word is in all capital letters inside ghost's speech bubble below. Make sure ya include that in your application so I know you read it and you're not some creep skim reading for an easy answer.. also,
"No" still means No!- ask for consent always & wait for permission!
if you BREAK the rules ~all the nice, pretty ladies will hide from you !!
One Last Thing :
If you wish to speak to a real human Sweet Rain, you may do so after you have sent an intake form
I made this website to inform and help my clients efficiently so that they fill the form with confidence, I only hope that it's helpful and much appreciated because from here, I leave you and will not try to convince anyone further.
XOXO -Sweet Rain
PS, my assistant wont to kiss your ass and try to convince you to see me either, and be careful not to get on her nerves, she's sassier than I am lols !
~ play with you soon